Opinion about safety (Survey Analysis)

In my questionnaire, I asked people about their feeling of internet safety. The question was "How safe do you feel with using internet services?"

Forms response chart. Question title: How safe do you feel with using internet services?. Number of responses: 42 responses.
Author's work, 1 - not safe, 5 - very safe


As we can see, the majority of the group is feeling safe on the Internet. Only 6 of the responders are feeling completely safe, which is negative, because they may be less focused during using the Internet, which can cause an opportunity to be charmed by hackers. Development of cybersecurity technologies is possibly a reason, why nobody feels completely unsafe on the Internet.

Forms response chart. Question title: How safe do you feel with using online payments?. Number of responses: 41 responses.
Author's work, 1 - not safe, 5 - very safe


However, the general feeling of safety on the Internet is not related to using online payments. As we can see in the diagram, more people are worried about their safety in case of online payments.

Comparison of these 2 diagrams may suggest, people are more worried about their money, than their sensitive data such as name, address, location etc.


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