
Showing posts from October, 2020

Gantt Chart


Essay (Conclusion)

Cryptography is an effective method of preventing using data by unauthorised people to save personal information. There is a massive development which improves the quality of security programmes. Cryptography began many years ago as it took part in the military, at present the main function of if, is to secure stored data. I think that now it would not be possible to survive without cryptography as this method of security is present in everyday life, when accessing sources such as banks as well as in national security which acts in the best interest of the society. References: Rouse, M., 2020. What Is SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)? - Definition From Whatis.Com. [online] SearchSecurity. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 October 2020]. Russell, A., 2020. What Is HTTPS? - SSL.Com. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 30 October 2020]. McFadden, C., 2020. 11 Cryptogr...

Essay (Body)

The history of cryptography begins antiquity. In the antique times, the most used technique was encrypting. To prevent reading the messages by an unwanted person, people used a simple cyphers. For example, Julius Cesar used the cypher, named after in his honour, to encrypt military orders and official messages (McFadden, 2018). Cryptography is an important part of the military. For every country is important to keep their military data protected against other countries, potentially opponents. In the past, breaking the encryption keys made a milestone point of wars. According to Inman's (2020), breaking the Enigma (German encryption machine used during II World War) key was important in localising the U-Boats and destroying them. Between 1940 and 1943 the number of destroyed U-Boats was over 1100. Some estimates say, breaking Enigma key reduced the Wartime by over one year (Inman, 2020). Nowadays, cryptography is unseparated part of daily life for many people. Polk and Froncek (...

Essay (Introduction)

"Cryptography is the science of transmitting information securely against potential third party adversaries."(Brown, 2020). It means cryptography is a method to prevent any theft of confidential data such as personal information. It can be used to secure the transmission of data between person and machine, for example, electronic chip in credit card.

"Thou shalt not use a computer to steal" (Computer Ethics 2)

"Thou shalt not use a computer to steal" is one of the rules which are included in computer ethic list. However, this rule is not only about stealing money. It is about intellectual property as well. Protecting from stealing is one of the biggest challenges for cybersecurity specialists. Using a computer to steal is for example hacking into another computer to get credit card number, intellectual property or company trade secrets (Goldsborough, 2004). However, we can highlight easier to execute ways to break this rule. For example, one of the internet scams has been done by a group of three people, which created a story about a homeless veteran (Witman, 2019). Mentioned fraud allows them to extort over 400.000$. The next example shows nobody can feel completely safe on the Internet. In January 2019 famous YouTube creator, Philip DeFranco published the message about hack his account. However, it was too late, because the hacker responsible for this attack sent the messages to ...

DRM as a way to fight with piracy. (Computer Ethics)

According to Computer Ethics, "Thou shalt not use or copy proprietary software for which you have not paid", I would like to describe the DRM, which is a way to secure software from being used without a license. This subject is connected with my research essay, because most of the DRM techniques are based on encryption. DMR is often mistaken for being equal to encryption ( Asadanin, 2018). DRM is a shortcut from digital rights management. That term means a lot of different technologies used to control access to copyrighted materials, such as e-books, DVD-s or computer games. For example, DRM included in computer game 2013's Sim City, required active interned connection at all time (Roach, 2020). Layton (2020) mentioned, DRM is not a new technology. In the past, many of floppy disks were copy-protected. One of the methods was, to work, the software required the hardware key connected to I/O port. Nowadays, DRM is a topic of argument. Companies usually use an aggressive for...

Essay draft.

"Cryptography is the science of transmitting information securely against potential third party adversaries."(Alyson Brown, 2020). It means cryptography is a method to prevent any steal of confidential data such as passwords or personal information. It can be used to secure the transmission of data between person and machine, for example, electronic chip in credit card. The history of cryptography begins antiquity. In those times, the most used technique was encrypting. To prevent reading the messages by an unwanted person, people used a simply cyphers. For example, as Christopher McFadden mentioned in his article from 2018, Julius Cesar used the cypher, named after in his honour, to encrypt military orders and official messages. Cryptography is an important part of the military. For every country is important to keep their military data protected against other countries, potentially opponents. In the past, breaking the encryption keys made a milestone point of wars. Accordin...

The chosen idea for a Major Project.

I had to decide, which idea will be the best for my Major Project. I choose a Cryptography as a topic of my work because, in my opinion, Cryptography is a part of cybersecurity, which is more important for our everyday life. It's not mean, penetration testing isn't important, however, it isn't that big part of our life as cryptography, which is included in almost every sector of our life, for example, electronic payments, online shopping and using social media services. Secondly, I think, cryptography is one of the most developing parts of cybersecurity. In some countries it starts to be standard, to register information about citizens in databases, which must be secured from hackers attacks. Encryption is one of the most known and most effective ways to provide safety of data. I want to improve my cryptography knowledge. I believe, writing the essay and doing essential research will help me with it.

My second initial idea (Penetration Testing)

Penetration testing (pen testing) is called also as ethnic hacking. It means, some people try to find weaknesses in the security systems of computer networks, applications etc. and give feedback about it to the companies. That helps with solving the issues with security and developing them. In the difference to real hackers attack, penetration testing is legal and confidential data is safe. Pen testing may also show, on which part of the security system the companies should be focused to improve.   Penetration testing process usually can be separated into five steps: Planning and reconnaissance - defining the goals, choosing the testing method. Scanning - checking, how the tested application will respond with different attempts. Gaining access - trying to find backdoors or other ways to access to the system Maintaining access - checking, how the hackers can deal with access to the system, what kind of data they can steal etc. Analysis - checking the results of the penetration test....

First initial idea - Cryptography

Cryptography, in general, is a way to secure any confidential data, based on encryption (Brooks, 2013). We have contact with this part of cybersecurity every day, and we don't even think about it. For example, when we log into our bank account, cryptography makes, our password for a people, who may want to steal our money, looks like an unlogical string of characters, what means, they are not able to do it. Of course, it's just a simple example of using cryptography to protect us. In the past, the cryptography was used to provide the confidentially in messaging. The basic technique looked like two people had an encryption key, they exchange characters in the messages between them, and only they were able to read it, using that key. For example, I want to explain to you, how Cesar cypher works. To read messages encrypted by Cesar cypher, we have to imagine, every single mark is put into the table. To correctly read the sentence, we have to move a predetermined number of marks fo...

My plan for Major Project.
