DRM as a way to fight with piracy. (Computer Ethics)

According to Computer Ethics, "Thou shalt not use or copy proprietary software for which you have not paid", I would like to describe the DRM, which is a way to secure software from being used without a license.

This subject is connected with my research essay, because most of the DRM techniques are based on encryption. DMR is often mistaken for being equal to encryption (Asadanin, 2018).

DRM is a shortcut from digital rights management. That term means a lot of different technologies used to control access to copyrighted materials, such as e-books, DVD-s or computer games. For example, DRM included in computer game 2013's Sim City, required active interned connection at all time (Roach, 2020). Layton (2020) mentioned, DRM is not a new technology. In the past, many of floppy disks were copy-protected. One of the methods was, to work, the software required the hardware key connected to I/O port.

Nowadays, DRM is a topic of argument. Companies usually use an aggressive form of DRM, which putting profits ahead of customer satisfaction. An aggressive form of DRM can make the customers experience negative because it requires an internet connection, creates an account or sometimes it uses a lot of computer resources (Edmonds, 2020). 

However, some big game studios don't use DRM in their productions. For example, CD Project, polish game studio, creator of "Witcher" games, doesn't use that type of protection. They decided to create a GOG - online shop with DRM-free games. Their most known game, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, created in 2015 earned over 120 million USD (Strickland, 2020)



Edmonds, R., 2020. DRM In Games Does Not Combat Piracy And Should Be Stopped. [online] Windows Central. Available at: <https://www.windowscentral.com/how-aggressive-drm-games-only-hurts-consumer> [Accessed 30 October 2020].

Strickland, D., 2020. The Witcher 3 Made Over $120 Million During 2015 Launch, CDPR Says. [online] TweakTown. Available at: <https://www.tweaktown.com/news/74944/the-witcher-3-made-over-120-million-during-2015-launch-cdpr-says/index.html> [Accessed 30 October 2020].

Layton, J., 2020. How Digital Rights Management Works. [online] HowStuffWorks. Available at:
<https://computer.howstuffworks.com/drm1.htm> [Accessed 30 October 2020].

Roach, J., 2020. Yahoo Is Now A Part Of Verizon Media. [online] Finance.yahoo.com. Available at: <https://finance.yahoo.com/news/drm-video-games-does-201916014.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACF97xwvHn-mYcvldQqam1dLdP2DE13POJIKHRXx7P-9TR1Rl7wJ2AFOG7vCz9ERaU76vzf7E2oH6jkDcBjeE37lovkrBQ3oN6Ex4-Na1GFFP30VuSBthoxsAjsA0aCyhQqn07Ozvr-TdBiMPn7D7nK9-neT7SWdHjDvgmQawdr5> [Accessed 30 October 2020]. 

Asadanin, B., 2020. Securing OTT Content — DRM. [online] Medium. Available at: <https://medium.com/@eyevinntechnology/securing-ott-content-drm-1af2c08fdd31> [Accessed 30 October 2020].



  1. Hi

    Please do not forget to upload Gantt-chart for main research idea/project.

    Many thanks


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